protected by the law because they are a religious sect, and as such they are untouchable. So, let us imagine for a moment the emergence of a cult dedicated to the ideals of kindness, beauty, love and non- violence. A cult built around tue premise that tue reign of masculine qualities: strength, migut, power, pugnaciousness, punishment, vengeance and war has amply proven itself a total failure. That progress, based on male assertiveness, has produced at best, only the development of the material world, a world where values are measured in kilowatts, norsepower, dollars and material posessions. The spiritual world has lost ground in the same degree that the material world has advanced. That the real values to be saught in a spiritually oriented society are the values of Love, Beauty, Tenderness, and Kindness. And these values by society's own choice, have been tagged as eminently feminine....and therefore... the road to perfection lies along the worship, search and identification of mankind with the feminine.
For ages the great world religions have worshipped a Father God, who ruled by might, punishment and judgement. Even Buddhism, the gentlest in spirit, is not without blots of violence upon its record. Why can't there emerge a religion that enthrones a Heavenly Mother instead of a Heavenly Father? If we go back far enough in time, we reach the Minoan civilization, whose religion was the worship of a Divine Mother who symbolized the reproductive forces of nature.
Also in ancient Levant, the God Tammuz was a lesser deity. His spouse the Goddess Ishtar, the greater. The same was true of Osiris, brother & lover of the Goddess Isis in ancient Egypt. The cult I envision would center upon a feminine deity (Koon Yum? Venus Castina?) would command us to worship the Feminine and to exert every effort to mirror that divinity in thought and in action. Our ritual would demand the wearing of feminine clothes-so as to divest ourselves of the evil qualities